Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Lent 2017...let's be having you!

Today, Tuesday 28 February, is Shrove Tuesday, which, of course, means pancakes. However, it also means that the period of Lent is upon us.

While we all love the chance to stuff our faces until we’re ready to burst with delicious, crispy crepes lathered in all our favourite toppings, I’m more concerned about the fact that it’s my final day of indulgence before I begin the annual forty day ‘fast’.

For the last 10 years, I’ve scarified my two favourite things in the world for the six and a half weeks between Pancake Day and Easter Sunday: chocolate and cakes. There are few things in life which bring me more joy than my mid-afternoon slice of cake and a cup of tea, and I spend many an evening eating munching chocolate in front of the telly. Throughout this decade of being disciplined in the run-up to Easter, I can honestly say it’s never become any easier. 

But that’s exactly what it’s supposed to be: a challenge. There are some days when I know I’ll be an emotional wreck, desperate for even a whiff of chocolate, dreaming of all the things I’m going to eat when it’s over. However, it’s a small sacrifice to make. Whilst I’m not a religious person, I think it’s important to remember that Lent symbolises the forty days that Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert. Having to go without food for forty days makes sacrificing my daily piece of cake disappear into insignificance. What it does, though, is help you to realise exactly how lucky you are to be able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want it. And it’s the strongest test of will-power I can think of.

If you’ve never taken part in Lent before, I strongly recommend you give it a go. Pick one of your favourite treats and see if you can go without it. It’s only temporary and the self-satisfaction you will achieve from it is amazing. 

So, on this Shrove Tuesday, I’ll enjoy my pancakes with Nutella, followed by a Creme Egg, which is always my final bit of indulgence before the ‘fast’ begins. And tomorrow...well, I’ll be incredibly grumpy.

Come on Lent 2017...let’s be having you! 

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